zondag 4 december 2011

Limiting scope

I'm currently implementing some stuff for the new OpendTect installer. One of the classes has to get files from a remote HTTP site. An issue there is that the site may be down, or failing. Users may want to quit, or wait a bit longer. In the presence of mirrors it's a good idea to allow the user to switch mirror when such a thing happens.

All easy to understand, and reasonable. Now is it so strange to think that similar things could also happen to 'local' files? Local servers go down, can become real slow, you may want to use another server. Now why don't we prepare for that too? Why is it that we simply open a local file and work with it?

I think this is a typical example of the necessity of limiting scope. Imagine us analyzing what was necessary for the first OpendTect version. We'd have a UI toolkit, 3D visualization tools, ... file tools ... Now imagine someone analyzing for 'completeness' (as some advocate). If you really go for it, you'd be imagining the problems of servers going down during file read or write, and you'd need to figure out how to handle it. And yes, we may have thought about that fact at that point in time. But we simply limited the scope immediately to 'whatever the OS handles automatically' and went on to get something out there.

This is a general principle. Building software is not only about what to implement, it's also about what has to be left out. Not just "can't do" but also "won't do". Part of the art of good design. Now this is all rather standard stuff. For Agile development, you realize that things can change, and thus it is more important there to make your choices explicit. In many cases it's very beneficial to go through scenarios and alternate designs relating to these "won't do" issues. That can just lead you to a design that can stand the test of time more gracefully. Just by making a few choices differently, just by spending a bit more time now you can save yourself tons of trouble later.

Thus, limiting scope is unavoidable, and simply a part of any analysis and design. But try to wire your software in such a way that shifting priorities and new insights may just be easier to support. It can be done, and contrary to Waterfall environments where the fact is largely ignored, it is a big topic in Agile projects.

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